So like most of my classmates who will be reading this, if it wasn't a shock to you how outrageous the
Internet has become you must be pretty tight with surfing the net often! I could not believe after looking at the web 2.0 site how
categorical things could be and how there are many resourceful sites just sitting waiting for members to join. I was a sucker and created an
iStats Fitness account, but mainly just to see what it was all about. And to my surprise it seemed to be a very great
assets to someone who is unsure of how to create their own exercise program, not only does it create the exercise list for you but it gives reps and sets also! Another site I found very useful after coming home from a stressful day was
lol. It was a site which guides you in the kitchen with creating drinks with materials already in the home. You
done even have to leave the house
because it comes up with a
mix for you.
As for google docs, I think this could be a great place to upload class powerpoint lectures for college studetns who miss class for the day. It gives us the teacher a way to provide our materials without having to stress over studetns coming in to ask what they missed. I think this will be a very sucessful tool I plan on using when I become a full time college teacher. And to many students who do attend class, I think this will be a good review place for them to visit come test time. If you could think of any other suggestions please advise me!